
Infection? dr? 0r otc stuff ?

by  |  earlier

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ok i don't exactly no whats going on and bc of my situation i need the dr to be a resort so i am asking for your help i had my last period on 8/11/08 on the 22-25 i had discharge ( ovulation?) on the 25 i got real crampy then i was fine for a few days then 2 day i woke up with serious cramps and discharge clear no smell no itch or any thing i am usual regular and been for 10+ years is this an infection ? can i get s/t otc or do i need a dr ??




  1. I have alwys been told that if anything seems abnormal down there it is always good to go to your Gynecologist to be sure.Small things could become something more complex later on if left untreated.It could be a bacterial infection which alot of women get down there or a simple yeast infection. Go to your GYN and be sure!

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