
Inferiority Complex.........?

by Guest59903  |  earlier

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Could someone tell me all about an inferiority complex, the reason someone might have one, and how to help them overcome it?




  1. An inferiority complex, in the fields of psychology and psychoanalysis, is a feeling that one is inferior to others in some way. Such feelings can arise from an imagined or actual inferiority in the afflicted person. It is often subconscious, and is thought to drive afflicted individuals to overcompensate, resulting either in spectacular achievement or extreme antisocial behavior, or both. Unlike a normal feeling of inferiority, which can act as an incentive for achievement, an inferiority complex is an advanced state of discouragement, often resulting in a retreat from difficulties.

    The best way to overcome your inferiority complex according to me is to believe in yourself.

    Not to compare yourself to others and see yourself as a failure

    Have some self - respect

    Be self - aware

    Don't try to be perfect.

  2. Another way to view "inferiority complex", is negative self perception. It will occur when someone is overly concerned about how they appear to others. This causes them to fixate on anything in there physical appearance that they view as unattractive.

    That of course is the physical, on the mental side if they were reinforced to believe they were "stupid", unintelligent when they were young, then that belief is take into later life, and the belief that they are inferior intellectually will persist.

  3. Not quite in the news, the term "inferiority complex" may have been derived from the studies in the levels of self-esteem and social confidence of long ago. Now we have a different approach to the solution of a substitute terminology; Sociopathology. (I'm always open for correction.)       Volunteer Counselor Western Illinois University

  4. It is caused by a person thinking they are not as smart, good looking, important, etc. as others.

    Someone who was put down by their family as a child would feel that way.

    The way to overcome it is to work on positive feelings about yourself and make yourself feel good inside about your accomplishments.

  5. When you are in one group and you feel inferior it doesn't mean that you will feel inferior in the other group in your life. So stay in a safe place and be wise.

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