
Infidelity in Europe?

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This probably isn't a big story in Europe but the Governor of New York was found to be a client in a prostitution ring (he resigned from office today). One of the guests on CNN said:

"I feel that this is a America-only story that we have to put in perspective. You know, big deal, married man goes to prostitute! In Europe, this wouldn't even make the back pages of the newspaper."

What do Europeans think about his comment? Are people in Europe really that accepting of philandering?




  1. I got to tell you , if someone like David Milliband or Alistair Bstard was found to be using whores, it would be all over the paper for WEEKS. Pages and pages of it.

    look up David Mellor and Antonia de Sanchez.

  2. They're too busy harping on about Diana to give that a second thought.

  3. No. He's just trying to get people to back off.

  4. yeah but but our eyebrows cannot raise any higher to american political scandals.

  5. I think it shows more how much Americans are prudes when it comes to s*x.

    Honestly their society is just weird ..........

  6. Well, we've already seen worse with the Conservatives and their endless s*x scandals in the last government, so we are unshockable now!

  7. Zero tolerance towards ALL cheaters-male AND female-in ANY part of the world...bathscum the lot of em.Nuff said.

  8. There is a bigger range of viewpoints in Europe. The story has hit the front pages of the newspapers in the UK.  The same behaviour would lead to resignation here as well.  However it would be unusual for any politician to run for office on a morality platform as this man did.  The first issue is the perceived immorality, the second is his hypocrisy.  

    Now for Continental Europe - there is a huge difference in views on prostitution as you move from country to country and a lot depends on whether or not it is legal.

    There are also differing views and laws on privacy.  Lots of public figures have affairs or even second families (past president of France for example).  BUT the story would hit the headlines regardless of the country if it was a 'home grown' politician and it certainly did in this case.

  9. This comes from a German Born...freelance tv news reporter who now lives in the USA...

    s*x sells in print, Broadcast (Tv), Radio news..its what makes the front page and lead story...for most news because people are nosy and want to know whats going on..this juicy story also serves as what we call an "attention grabber" as well as a "Ha Ha don't let this happen to you" type of story..

    As for the story of the NY Gov making front page news in would depend because many places in Europe are very conservative so they probably wouldn't lead off with a story like the Spitzer story.. but other countries around Europe would..

    It all depends on the market value and really the "who cares" factor..

    People in many aspects of Europe are not accepting of phillanderers in their goverment..but it also depends how much people really fill the city with love. Like Italy and Spain, cities of "passion" I would think people wouldn't even batt an eye because normal every day people have done this and for officials to do this, its nothing new..

  10. no form of infidelity is acceptable regardless of where you come from ,, not one person i know would put up with infidelity, the person would be kicked to the curb fast, in my opinion for a married man to visit a prostitute is the biggest insult any woman could have from her husband or partner, totally unforgivable, and woman around the world would agree i am sure, its never ever acceptable in a relationship

  11. Well i spend quite a bit of time with Mrs GC and nobodys batted an eyelid yet. lol

  12. The tabloids in the UK would have a field day with a story like that!!

    Maybe in continental Europe they may have a more laid back attitude but here it would be big news.

  13. I think it would be all over the news in this country. Can you imagine if Ken Livingstone, for example, was found in a similar predicament, the red tops would have a field day!

  14. The story was on the news here in the UK, the commentator is obviously an idiot, Europe is so many different countries with different laws and cultures, but I'm pretty sure in all of them a politician with prostitutes would be a big story. Especially if that Politician was a hypocrite also.
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