
Infinitely zoom into an atom using "Alien Microscope"?

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If we somehow got a hold of microscope, and zoomed in infinitely. Past the neurons, atoms, nucleus....and even went beyond "The Strings" of string theory. Would we eventually encounter life on a different level? Because If you think about it the Universe is infinitely vast! So what are the odds that was a so close the the opposite end, and actually have the end insight?

(And no I'm not a high hippy, pondering random thoughts)

I actually wonder this.




  1. yes,, zgamestoo is right.. go find the new smashing particles website and  u can find the best electron microscope in the world.

  2. You really can't 'see' anything on the scale you are dreaming about.

    Photons of light are bigger than the nucleus, let alone

    it's components.

    On that scale, things get 'fuzzy' and don't even have locations as you might think of them.

  3. Or...infinitely zoom out.  Is our universe just a subatomic particle in a larger scheme?  Or perhaps it's a vibrating string...which would explain the Big Bang...and it's collapse.

  4. you think to much

  5. don't think you could go through string theory they tied the end to anything not provable

  6. Has'nt this already been answered?

    Draw a circle. At the top draw an atom with a few electrons obiting it. On the right side of the circle draw our solar system with a few planets obiting the sun. At the bottom of the circle draw a galxy with a few suns obiting it. On the left side of the circle, draw another circle and name that one " universe"...... with what circling it?

    If you done that on paper and looked at it , you would get a good understanding of string theory.

    Everything seems to be racing to get in a circle.

    Now think about time. If you went from the atom on top of the circle all the way around to the universe circle, do you think that time is the same?

    There are different dimentional planes. When you cross over a certain threshold, you go into a upper or lower dementional plane and time is changed either faster or slower.

    Now take a piece of copper wire, and remember when you were in school how you were tought  there were  trillions of atoms in that wire moving around very fast. Put yourself on that level with the atom.............are you moving fast? or does it just seem that way from an outside observer?

  7. Variations of this question have been asked and answered at least twice in the last couple of days. Check the links below.

  8. Go to the new smashing particle center and find out... please tell us your findings later.

  9. Probably not.  You would encounter the things that make up the "strings", which make up the electrons, neutrons, and protons, which make up atoms, which make up molecules, which make up everything else.

    even past the particles past the "strings", there would be things that made them up too.  it's kind of like numbers.  it never ends.

  10. I was also thinking the same thing several weeks ago. I really wouldn't know what was at the end.

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