
Infirmary Tank Question?

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I have 3 rescued corydoras in my infirmary tank at the moment. They all had severe fin rot and one was to the point that he didn't have half a tail and a really bad sore. Its the last day of Maracyn Two treatment and everyone is looking better like the sore is gone, but I haven't noticed any new fin growth.

Do I keep them in there until I see some fin growth? Put more Stress Coat in? Should I do another round of Maracyn Two? Or is back to the 50 gallon tank with their11 brothers and sisters?




  1. As long as the infections are gone, there is no need to continue treating with Maracyn 2 (but ALWAYS finish any dose that you start to prevent resistant strains).  Stress Coat wouldn't really do all that much other than cause the fish to produce more mucus by irritating the skin.  The best thing to do would be to move them into the main tank and let the low stress conditions there help them to heal.  If the infection was severe enough, there is a chance the fins will never regrow, especially if it reached all the way to the body.

  2. I would keep them in the quarantine tank for a few more days to a week for them to recover before reintroducing them to the main tank, during this time i suggest feeding them well, the fins will soon regrow and they will be back to normal.

    If the fin rot has cleared then you do not need to have another round of maracyn.

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