
Influence of media on teenagers...?

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i'm doin this assignment + i need some info to back up my opinions,

do you remember the high school massacre?? well can u tell me how the media ( games, music, tv, ect.) inluenced these two boyz to do what they did..




  1. Video game violence critics generally agree that violent video games are at least as bad an influence on children as are television shows with the same level of violence and cruelty, and most seem to believe that video games are more threatening to a child's well-being, because the video game player uses the controller to make an on screen character act out the violence personally. It was widely reported that the killers in the Columbine High School massacre were, like many teenagers, fans of first-person shooter games. They had recorded a videotape before the massacre in which they said they looked forward to using their shotguns just as in the game Doom. It can be argued, however, that these teenagers were already mentally disturbed before playing the game, and thus the game did not directly cause their actions.

    Some studies have shown that children who watch violent television shows and play violent video games have a tendency to act more aggressively on the playground, and some people are concerned that this aggression may presage violent behavior when children grow to adulthood.

  2. research has proven that watching violence on TV etc promotes aggression in people.  

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