
Info about University accommodation ?

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I'm off to Uni next year but before i choose I need to know: In Student accommodation do you get to stay there for the whole 2/3 years of your course or only for the first year??




  1. You get your accommodation for the whole 3 years but you don't always stay in the same place.

    If it's on campus housing then you'll usually only have the room for the first year. Year 2 and 3 students usually prefer to live in off campus housing (which is still university accommodation) as they don't want to be surrounded by 1st years and strict rules (and it's cheaper) and they want to live with their friends.

    But if you want, you can put in a request to stay in the same place for years 2 and 3.

  2. Usually in UK unis you stay in uni owned halls for first year and then go and rent a house for the rest of your degree. But it varies from uni to uni, depending on how much accommodation the uni has and how many private sector houses are available

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