
Info about being a Beauty Therapist on a Cruise Ship ?!?

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im thinking about going into beauty therapy and later a job on a cruise ship.

Can someone give me info about the following :

. pay

. getting into the cruise industry (like how to get hte job)

. the best cruise line to go on

. days of?

. etc

thankss x




  1. china travel service, china tour packadge , china budget tours  and tailor-made tours with Beijing ,Shanghai Tibet,Guilin,Yangtze river,Sichuan,Panda,Yunnan,Guizhou,china hotel and china flights

  2. I'm not sure about pay but have a look at this website for some information

    Good luck x

  3. ocean village,have two cruise ships,and i heard from staff while i was on board beginning of march that they about to embark on a third ocean liner,go on there website,they have a website for job enquires,good luck

  4. Yes, Harings is one of the concessions for spas.

    and also

    the second is bigger, has larger ships.

    The pay is 100 pounds a week as a salary, then on top there's commision and tips.

    Some ships have no formal nights so the spas suffer a lot.

    The spas are concessions on 90% of all ships, like the shops, the photo department, sometimes casino and shore-ex as well. Those 2 companies are the bulk of the market.

    best line would depend on what you like. the plus of working for a concession is that if you don't like a cruise line, you can go to another.

    no days off. there are afternoons off, the manager makes some rotation.

    share a cabin with 1 person

    spa personnel are staff, rather than crew, hence they get better everything, cabins, privileges, food, bar, status onboard, everything.

    Both Hardings and Steiner make you take some course (Hardings is in Southampton). It's sort of an academy.

    on top you gotta have an STCW-95 (sea survival, first aid, crowd management and fire fighting - it's no big deal), a medical exam and a seaman's book (50bucks).

    contracts are 6 months on/2 +- off.

    its a great life, i did it for 10 years

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