
Info about vacation in rome?

by Guest44779  |  earlier

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we are planning to visit rome,florence and venice in second week of may. we have barely 2 days time.can anyone suggest a quick way of seeing these places without missing anything of major importance and in which order should these cities be visited to avoid extra travelling and waste of time.we are from belgium.

thanx for yr advice




  1. There are sp many thoings to say about the eternal city, but i ll give you a link for all the information

  2. Do one of those bus tours (double decker bus things) as they generally take you to the major sites and you can get on and off, see the city and take good pictures.

    A ticket lasts around 24hrs.

  3. Rome definately deserves more time than Florence if you can swing it.  And it is mostly because Rome has so much more to see that it is hard to compare the two.  In Florence you have to see the Uffizi Gallerey and maybe the Boboli Gardens, but besides that, for a 2 day trip go to Rome!!!  You need to get to Rome early and visit the Vatican... St. Peter's Basillica is the most beautiful church in the world so you will have to see that, and the Vatican museums and better than anything you will see in Florence.  Also you should check out Palpatine hill, and the Colliseum.  Rome is amazing, and two days will definately not do it justice so try to figure out how to extend your vacation.

  4. I am hoping this is at least 2 days time in each city, as the travel alone will be tiring.  Venice is quite far from Rome, and Florence is almost 3.5 hours by train from Rome, so that would eat up quite a few days.

    My first recommendation would be to cut it down to one, if not two cities.  As I said, traveling takes time, and checking in and out of hotels takes time, and Italy is not New York, as in part of visiting this country is to enjoy the feeling of the country, and that is definitely not a fast paced one.  Here the best memories are lingering over a dinner and enjoying an espresso.

    However, if you ave made up your minds, the only sensible way to go about it is to go from Rome towards the North, so Rome-Florence-Venice.  Then decide on a tour operator in each city that will do the quick tour of city with transportation etc organized, because if you plan on seeing each place you either have to walk (time), drive (horrible traffic and time) or public transportation (time).  

    Good luck!

  5. Here is an excellent site with some options 4 U.

  6. so you want to learn french or dutch and now you ask twice about rome/? are you dreaming?

  7. hello,

      what achance, we are going to rome this weekend too, any way this site may help you. enjoy and good luck.

    have a nice time


  8. Hi I'm planning to go out there later this year, this site's pretty good, covers all the essentials.

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