
Info needed about ID for when flying with Ryanair UK....?

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Can my G/f travel from bristol, U.K to Derry, N.I using a provisional licence as I.D?

Bristol to Derry is only a domestic flight, so i would of thought it would be ok but after reading their T&C im not sure anymore.

Can anyone answer this without me having to ring thier £1 a min line for them to put my on hold and cost me a small fortune.

Thanks is advance.




  1. you will need your passport, Ryanair will not let you travel without one, simple as that,you can try if you want, but you will not board, their t&c is a legal document which even the brightest of legal minds find hard to understand, and thats the idea..... BRING YOUR PASSPORT...don't let the feckers do you out of money, if you turn up without your passport and you do not get it before check in close's its deemed your responibility and will have to buy a new ticket at an inflated cost to travel..... hope that clears it up

  2. No, you need a passport.

  3. Says this on their site - A valid driving licence with photo is acceptable photo ID for travel on domestic flights within the UK and domestic flights within the Republic of Ireland.

    Is your concern that it's a provisional licence?

    It would be encumbent on them to state that fact and as they haven't a provisional will be enough.

  4. From their website:

    What photo-Id do I need?


    All passengers must present valid photo identification to check-in for all flights. The only acceptable forms of photo-ID on Ryanair flights are:

    A valid driving licence with photo is acceptable photo ID for travel on domestic flights within the UK and domestic flights within the Republic of Ireland.

    Or try; Great Britain 0871 246 0000 10p per minute

  5. Ah, Ryanair.  It's a permanent love/hate relationship.  Love their prices, hate the fact that they gouge you for more money at every available opportunity.  Scratchcards anyone?

    Firstly, I think if you use online check-in, you will definitely need a passport (certainly on flights that I've booked out of Gatwick, that's the case).

    So if you're paying that little bit extra for the privilege of checking in at Bristol Airport, their Ts&Cs say 'A valid driving licence' is acceptable.  It doesn't specify 'full' driving licence, so I'd guess it should be OK.  But given Ryanair's reputation, I wouldn't leave it to chance.  Best bring a passport if you can.

    If you want to be 100% sure, why not phone up Bristol Airport and ask to speak to someone at the Ryanair desk about what documentation is required?  Might not work, but it'll be cheaper than phoning Ryanair directly.

  6. Yeah, a provisional licence is just fine.

  7. I see no reason why not - presumably her provsional licence is the modern European style one with a photo? If she has a passport so much the better though as you say it is only domestic flight.

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