
Info on countries using alternative fuels, other than the US!?

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I need more than the name of the country, i need information also. Please.




  1. Not used for fuel, but Iceland makes extensive use of geothermal energy for power generation and for home heating.

  2. how about Brazil. they are the world leaders in biofuels, mainly ethanol from cane sugar.

  3. dont use biofuelses they actually emmit more Co2 into the air and it encourages people to cut down the rainforest to make room for the crop in hgihg demad, and it raises food prises

  4. A FACT= some people started useing other fuels and found out the hard and expensive way that each manufacture builds their engines for a certain type of fuel. some paid $13,000.00 for useing other fuels that were'nt meant for their vehicles.

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