
Info on prada willi?

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my 12 year old son has adhd, aspergers, ODD and many others to appear in the future so the Dr says.He constantly eats, is overweight and is never full. any ideas please. he does not live with me only weekends so controlling his diet is very difficult and he lives with his father




  1. If in fact he has what you mention above, the spelling is incorrect but I'm not sure of the proper way, you will need lots of support ASAP. You eed to speak to other families dealing with this condition. The child has no sensation of fullness and will eat with out stop. It needs to be monitored around the clock, Its not a matter of self control, he can not help himself. You need professional help right away. The families I have known have locks on every drawer, cupboard, refridge, etc. Also the disposal bins.  This is a scary thing to deal with alone. i wish you the best,.

  2. Prader-Willi Syndrome Association (USA)

    Prader-Willi Syndrome Research and Support National Organization.

    Try the above link.  I talked to my pediatrician about the same problem.  There are test they can run to determine if your son has the disease.  I decided after doing the research that my son doesn't have it.  There are physical characteristics that you can look for too.

    My son does eat like crazy (would eat more if we let him) and it is a constant battle to keep his weight in check.  It is seriously frustrating.  I would just try to fill him up and keep him busy.  We have been giving our son protein shakes that fill him up.
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