
Info on rugby?

by Guest60626  |  earlier

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I'm a senior in high school and me and my friend were thinking of playing rugby this spring. The problem is that neither of us has played it before. How do you play? What are the general rules? Any other info/tips would be helpful as well.




  1. The best thing for you to do is to find out from the local or regional union where the nearest team is that suits your needs, in your case U21s.  From there, go join the team, if they'll take you.  I don't know what country you're from, but there will likely be some team you can play for that will teach you the rules as you go.  University sides in nonprofessional rugby countries are where most people experience the game.  As far as playing goes......Keep On Rucking.

  2. I joined the school rugby team without knowing what to do...Ill have to answer your with basic answers coz u didnt tell us.. Union or League?

    Mainly you HAVE to pass it backwards or it is a penalty

    You must tackle below the neck

    DONT argue with ref

    and you can get some rules in your local library or and search rugby union or league.

  3. rugby is g*y

  4. First, you need passion....second, you need stamina & fitness, then you can start learn rugby. To learn rugby you need a person who could guide you how to play. Its not as easy as you seen....but once you will love it. Believe will love it. Rugby is full of patient, art, energy and satisfaction.

    General rules - the ball cannot be throw/pass forward by hand, you can kick forward but your team member who going to receive the ball have to stay behind the kicker BEFORE the ball was kicked.....(*&(^%&^&^(*&)&#!......and so many thing you have to learn....try (ground the ball on opponents goal area given 5 points, kick after try you'll get another 2 points if on target.....!#$%*.....many many thing should be learn.

    My advise - get a friends who play rugby....and get a coach!
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