
Info on septum piercing?

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first question is

how much does it usually cost?

and what gauge is this?

also how much does it hurt?

like on a scale from 1 -10

10 being painful.

thank you!




  1. The cost depends on the shop.Usually 45-50 dollars.The ring in that pic looks like a 14 gauge,which is what it's usually pierced with.The pain depends on the person.But for me it was like a 4.Good luck!

  2. Here's a great site and they are very professional and will get back to you quickly if you have questions.

    The cost will vary. For piercings, I'd go for quality over cheap, because you can catch all kinds of nasty diseases and have scarring problems if the person screws up or the shop does not clean it's instruments correctly.

    Pain is subjective, so if you have a high threshold for pain this might not hurt you as much as someone who cries when they get a splinter. Just realize that when they do this, they are using a hollow needle that cuts a hole in your septum (or should be) and not a piercing gun like at the mall. I imagine it hurts. And the hole will continue to enlarge as you get older. All things to think about. Anyway, check out the ATL site. Good luck!

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