
Info on the Corps of Cadets at Texas A&M?

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I'm going to join the Corps of Cadets after my first year as a transfer student. I couldn't get out of my contract with my apartment or I'd be joining this semester. Just general info. Army ROTC scholarship? I'll be going through Squadron 18 so what's that like? If I join my outfit spring semester after Sq. 18 as a sophomore is that looked down upon by the other cadets? Rudder's Rangers and when can you sign up? Hazing? And just info about outfits B-2 and I-1. Thanks alot. Gig' em




  1. Um, it's been a while since I was there, but I remember that some of my CT & BQ friends were hazed. Also, I seem to recall that you are looked down on a bit if you don't join as a freshman- I think it may be because you missed the freshman hazing. All that being said, if you're a team player, you'll make friends that will last a lifetime. Sorry I can't give you more info on the individual outfits, but I do seem to remember that E-2 is Reveille's outfit- you get to take her to class and into restaurants which is pretty cool. Best of luck to you. WHOOP!

  2. For the army scholarship, it is not that hard to get one as long as you don't have a criminal record, keep you grades up, and pass a p.t. test.  Though it does take several months for the paper work to go through with medical and background checks.  Sq. 18 is a transfer outfit and I know several people who have come fromt that outfit into B-2 and all are going into the the army.  Yes it is generally looked down upon not to join as a freshman but as long as your squared away and high speed the transition should be easier.  As for Rudders they start early in the fall and is open to anybody.  As for hazing, it depends on what your definition is, but don't take it personally.  B-2 is an all male outfit that is army oriented and highly regarded by ROTC.  If there are any other questions my e-mail is

  3. Be mentally and physically prepared for the hazing.

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