
Info on the swiftboating that has just occured between McCain and Obama?

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I need to write a description paper

and I can't pinpoint the facts

any information

would be greatly appreciated

thanks in advance!




  1. swiftboating book that attacks obama i would use this one

    i think you could say unpatriotic would be a good one.

    btw i wouldnt take the book as a source to the heart but a source for your paper.  I heard there were like over 50+ mistakes, but it was discussed in the news, thought i would bring it up

  2. The entire DNC Convention was a swiftboat against Mccain. They mis represented McCain on just about every issue they talked about. So much for honest politics.

  3. How about a real record of McCain's military record:

    Scroll down to his military service and the sworn statements of his fellow POWs. It's interesting reading. It doesn't mean that I've lost respect for a fellow Viet Nam Vet. But it does prove that his military record has been exaggerated just like John Kerry's was by the Democrats.

    However, Democrats haven't gone to the extremes that Republicans have under Bush to smear their opponents:

    Read this article.

    Personally, I would lose what respect I have for the Democrats if they embraced the Karl Rove school of smear tactics. And hopefully John McCain, who I still want to respect and admire, will put an end to the Bush-type lies and distortions. If the Republicans resort to their old tricks I'll lose respect for McCain and not vote for him.

    John McCain has always appeared to be an honorable man. Let's hope there won't be any 'Swift-Boat' distortions this time around.

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