
Information about EU?

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can u help me i have some questions about countrys in the EU and the enemys and why other countrys don't want to join the EU

e.g. why is russia enemys with EU and why norway dosent want to join and so on plz help me (i have it as a homework).




  1. I have never met anyone who voted for Britain to enter the "Common Market " as was and I have still to find anything the public gained by the deception of entering

  2. to answer these questions is not so easy,because you need lot of time ,Russia has always been enemy with EU because you have to turn back history to understand this,Russia wants to control over Europe ,and this is the reason they defend Serbia not to give up on kosovo,it kind of lob that they have created,they don't like USA and EU,because they want to be the first rules of Europe the Orthodox doctrine is still alive,so there is Russia Serbia Greece France that have been always sort of dominant ,not fully.Now Russia wants to turn back its power but i think has time that has lost it

  3. I've never heard of anybody with such strange notions, especially in HW - that Russia is "enemys with EU" - where did you hear that? Just read some of the questions here and you'll see that the biggest "enemy" of the EU is the UK, judging by the comments from its users.

  4. I don't know if Russia are enemies with us, they may see the EU as a threat because putting all the EU nations together makes one of the most powerful economic and political areas in the world.  I think the Russia thing probably has more to do with our rather poor relationship during the Cold war.

    Norway hasn't joined because they dont want to be tied to the rest of europe.  In the UK we complain about the EU imposing laws on us and generally trying to move power away from our own government.  Norway believes that not being a member does not affect them economically and allows them to keep power and decision making within their own nation

  5. Britain apparently voted to go into a Common Market, a group of European countries selling and buying their goods and services from each other.

    There has never been a vote on us entering a European Union.   We have just been gently shunted into a position where it virtually impossible to understand why we have a Govt. at Westminster.

    It's about time someone, somewhere who has a bit of say, demanded a vote on our continued presence in a communist inspired organisation.

    I laugh when I read that a centre was built in (whichever English town)  using money donated by the EU.   The EU would go bust if we were fortunate enough to be able to get out of it and stop paying billions into it..
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