
Information about Heidelberg or Freiburg??

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Im moving to one of them in two years from ireland im 16 what are they like??




  1. I'm 16 and from Ireland too!

    ...I don't actually have an answer to your question, I just wanted to point the above out.

  2. Hi,

    I grew up in Freiburg and I`ve been to Heidelberg quite often as well.

    Both are nice cities.

    As for Freiburg, it`s a smaller city but has a great character as the percentage of university students is very high due tue its famous university.

    Since there are so many students, the nightlife is definitely okay and diverse.

    Generally the students tend to be a bit on the alternative side. The Green Party of Germany has its highest quotes in Freiburg. People care a lot about nature and environment. People in Freiburg are well known for using the bicycle a lot. It`s called

    It`s also a center for alternative energies, like solar engery.

    There are also  a lot of international students and it`s surrounded by nature. You can do snowboarding or skiing in winter and mountainbiking etc. in summer.

    Also the climate is very mild for Germany since Freiburg is close to a former vulcanic area.

    And it`s true that it`s very close to France and Switzerland. 15  min to France and about 30 to Switzerland.

    If you`re on facebook, you can find a lot of groups dedicated to freiburg by international students etc.

    Now I got all homesick.. (^_^)

  3. Go to Heidelberg. I lived there for 6 years while in the Army. It wasn't my first time to Germany but I liked just fine. Heidelberg has people from all over. Great place, lots of Brits and Americans.

  4. i would move to freiburg because its in the middle of the black forest in the hills and everything. Then heidelberg is o.k. it has some attractions and history but its just a big city

  5. hey,

    I'm from germany but i wasn't in this cities yet =)

    But you can look at

    There are sure a lot of information! have fun in germany=)

    Do you speak German?maybe you want to mail me==) (

    Greets greenday

  6. Heidelberg is very nice. It has a famous castle and the a old town. It´s at a river (Neckar). You said you are 16. So you probably like to go out. In Heidelberg are many bars and discotheks. Don´t worry!

    And Freiburg is also a very very nice town. It´s very famous and next to France. So you can also go to France every now and then. And it´s close to Europapark. It´s the biggest amusentpark in Europe.

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