
Information about IGCSE english language, as private candidate?

by  |  earlier

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My home educated son is going to sit his GCSE in June 2008.

As private candidate it is very difficult to find an examen center.

I just heard about IGCSE. I found an exam center in Harrogate.

But I would like to know if anybody knows more about this IGCSE in english language.

Firts: is there a speaking test (as the exam center will not provide teacher for any speaking test!)

What are the fees (exam center fees and examination board fees).

And any other info is is welcomed!





  1. I don't know about the speaking test and I am very new to this myself.  However, you need to contact the centre to confirm that they will accept your son and find out what their fees are.

    If you are not happy about the IGCSE speaking test, then I would suggest that you look at the Oxford Open Learning website:

    This gives a list of centres which they have used in the past for AQA exams.  For OCR exams, you need to contact your Local Education Authority for centre details.  They should also be able to help you with EdExcel.

    Good luck!

  2. Your local education authority should have someone whose job is to check that your son has been having an appropriate education.

    If you contact this person, they should be able to give you the advice you need.  There is generally a coursework element to the Eng. exam, which counts for half of the final grade.  You need to make sure that you know which exam board you need to contact, and check on their requirements.

    Home schooling isn't as easy as it seems when it comes to KS4.  As an added problem, your son's chances of moving on to KS5 will be even harder without good Eng / maths / sci results.

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