
Information about writing letters to someone in boot camp?

by  |  earlier

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anything you know about it would be appreciated.

like, how soon after he leaves will i get a letter from him?

are they private? does the DI read them?

what will he do with the letter after he reads them, throw them away?

will anyone else read them?

how often should i write him if were just friends?




  1. you'll usually get a letter about a week & a half  after they arrive to boot camp [depending on how soon they go through the reception process]

    to my knowledge they ARE private & no one else will read them.

    he can keep them or get rid of them as he pleases.

    you can send as many times as you like, since getting no mail is kind of a downer for them.

    so even if you're just friends he'll be glad to hear from someone back home.

  2. You won't get a letter from him for probably two weeks after he's gone, sooner if your lucky, but theyre usually really really busy. They're letters are usually private, but just in case, don't write any thing sexual in them, because his instructors can and sometimes will read them, and those sort of letters will get him in trouble, even if its just a joke (since you stated your just friends). They don't usually throw away the letters, they're given a box to keep their stuff in. And write him probably once a week, or every other week, and don't get offended or upset if he doesn't respond, I wrote constant letters to my husband when he was in basic, and only got 3 or 4 letters back.

  3. How soon? That depends. The first week of Boot is extremely tough and traumatizing for him so, he may not write for the first couple weeks. The DI's may read them if they feel there is something fishy about the envelope. Don't send anything to him besides your letter. Nothing except that unless he asks personally for a picture. He may share his letters with some of his buddie's in with him. Write him as often as you like. He's in a whole different world and will love having letters to remind him of home.

  4.      Depends on how busy they are if he has time! Their mail is private, unless some jerk decides he should read it It is his decision if he wants to keep his mail or not. Write as often as u wish,friends or not!!!  

  5. You might receive a letter from him a few weeks after he gets there.  They are really strict at first and he might not have time to write a letter.  But, when you do receive one, it will be private and the letters you send to him will be private.  He can keep them in his footlocker.  The footlocker is at the end of his bunk bed and he will have some room to put some of his personal belongings in them.  My husband (boyfriend at boot-camp) did this, and he brought them all home so he was able to keep them in his footlocker.  If you were just friends, maybe once a week.  I wrote my boyfriend (we had been dating for 6 months) about 3 times a week usually.

  6. My boyfriend just left to army basic/infantry training. He got there on the 19th, but he's in reception till the 29th. So he won't have a address till then, so I won't be getting a letter till after that. Write as often as you want. As I hear,they love getting mail.But as I've been told, don't get upset if you don't get many letters back. They are super busy training and the little free time they get, they will prolly use it to sleep or wash clothes,ect. Send a basic, white envelopes. Anything with color, or stickers, or hearts, he'll get in trouble for by the DL. And yeah, don't send any pictures unless he asks you too. Im sure pictures will get shared about his company. And if you have to tell him anything really private, I wouldn't put it in a letter. His new buddies are bound to read and find things out. Any other questioins, email me. Im going thru this right now. Just waiting to get my first letter =)

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