Hello. I am an upocoming writer (hopefully) and I got this great story line in my head. It is about a foster child. I have never been in the foster care system, so I know very little about the system itself. In order to make the story more believeable and reliable, I decided to do some reasearch on the system and find out more about it. If you have been in the foster care I would love to hear your feelings about the system and your experience (whether you felt comfortable, where did the children who didn't have a home go, etc) . I would also love to hear any stories from foster parents and how living with a foster child changed your life and how the child acting when first in the home. If anyone can also describe the living arrangements, schooling, etc. of foster child, please tell me. I want to learn more about the foster care system and I thought it would be best to ask people who have experienced it. Thank your for your help and I hope I am not being to personal.