Ill try and make this story short. Im a stay at home mom and I babysit other kids. This one boy I took in for 2 weeks.
Week 1 he steals from me. I tell mom she tells me he is on meds for ADHD, he is a good kid.
Week 2 I catch him putting his finger on my son butt, trying to push it trough his shorts, vey nasty I know!
I call his mom tell her come get hom NOW. This boy was 9 and mine 6. She then tells me all this trouble he has been in, even crapping in his pants at school. He also has a consler. Two weeks later his consler calls I tell her the story. She tells me they are sending his case to the Child dept services, and they will call me, just tell them what I told her.
Two weeks later I get a call from dept child serv. Tara wanting to talk with my son I tell her no we (mom and dad) have dealt with it. She insists on talking to me and signing papers, I say Ok. Call me and we can set up a time. I dont hear from her again for another month. Then she shows up at my door wanting to talk with me and my son. I told her it wasnt a good time my son isnt here he is in school. She then says Oh he is in Hiwasse mental health facility? I said NO my son is at a public school, she wants to know where. I told her to call me and we can set up a date, have a good day. Monday I call her and get her suprviser she tells me the same thing, your son at Hawasse mental I said NO he isnt. She then proceded to tell me that Friday was marked as the 2nd day of Tara visiting to my house and it wasnt. THat I she spoke with my son but I was hostile and refused to sign papers!! She spent the next 10 min interagating me!!
I told her we have done nothing wrong and I dont understand why we are being treated this way. She tells me they have to talk to my son without me their about what happened. Im against this, my son did nothing wrong. Can she do this and can they go to the school to talk with him ? Considering my son wasnt the perpatrater, and we are not being investagated? I have called all day today and cant get either one of the women on the phone! I have kept my son at home today bc of this.