
Information on Credit rebuilders?

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I have hearded of credit rebuilder companys being able to have some of your bad already paid debt off your credit report. I know it can cost a few hundred, but I wanted to know more info on it and whats a good reliable company out there?




  1. Where does this information "Rebuilding your credit" Stem from? I see this on Yahoo Answers about 3 x a week.

    Does everyone think that there's some way to "beat the system"?

  2. Save your money.  Legitimate derogatory items stay on your credit report for 7 years.  There isn't any secret forumula or magic letter that will remove derogatory items faster.

    Most of the companies that claim they can repair your credit just use the old 'dispute everything and hope it falls off' method.  Even if something is removed, it tends to show back up when the creditor next updated to the credit bureau.

  3. Don't pay for something you can do yourself. You're just throwing away money on a luxury instead of doing it yourself and saving hundreds of dollars.

    Check my profile for a site I run that has some good points on how to get started. There is no reason to pay anyone for the information you need on beginning to rebuild your credit.


    Hi, this is a BBB accredited website. They are awesome. I personally used them!

  5. No there isn't, do it yourself it's free and easy all disputes can be done online.  Do not believe their statements like their experts because they aren't.  All of them are scam artist.  If the information on your credit report is all true then there is nothing they can do to remove it.  But even if the little bit is wrong and your where denied cerdit it will be removed and you have the right to seek damages.

    Good Luck

    Note remember to write the order numbers of your free annual credit reports, this will help you when you file disputes.  Also keep a copy of equifax credit report, you'll need a copy near hand to dispute since it's normally handled by a contracted company.

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