
Information on Medication abortion?

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I am getting a medication abortion on wednesday. I have 2 kids already and I'm not ready to have another. I'm a full time nursing student, and busy with work.

My boyfriend doesn't want me to get one, and I am not going to tell him. I'm leaving soon to go to a different school and can't handle it mentally and physically.

Now, I am going to say that I just started bleeding and miscarrying, and if he wants me to go to the doctor, and takes me, will the doctor be able to tell i took the medication? i just don't want them saying anything in front of him, yet i plan on telling my doctor.

Thank you

Please, no rude comments, I've made my decision, and don't care to hear what you have to say if you're going to be rude.

Thank you so much




  1. The most safe abortion is medical abortion with mifepriston (see below) and don't think about others - just take care of yourself!

  2. You need to explain this to your doctor before your appointment. Tell him your complications with having two kids and school itself. He'll understand and as a Doctor, he understands patient privacy.

  3. They don't have the right anyway to say anything to him, this is your business anyway not his. If the doctor does say anything without your permission, charges can be pressed.

  4. ummm, you can go to the clinic and ask them what you can take, i'm not  here to judge other i respect your decision, good luck and best wishes,  

  5. I think they can tell based on the chemicals in the bloodstream, however you don't have to let them tell him anything.  Just don't sign the release of information form.  Tell your boyfriend you talked to the doctor and they said there's nothing they can do.  The doctors cannot reveal your private medical records to him or anyone else without your permission.  Just don't give it.  The doctor will be forced to tell him to talk to you.

  6. Yea it can be really painful depending on your body type, but its good your doctor knows and that you have someone at home with you when you do, if it becomes to uncomfortable, go to the er, sometimes it can cause more pain in more sensitive bodies, for others not as much pain at all, good luck, hope that helps

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