
Information on Niburu?

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How can I find more information on Planet X? Or Niburu?

I am very interested in this theory, and want to study it more.

Any references or information?




  1. Personally I don't believe in the existence of Niburu, but I think being curious about theories that are out there and wanting to research them is part of being a good scientist.

    I wish I had some information to give you, but the answers left by a few overly skeptic (and rude) people annoyed me.  

    Wanting information isn't a crime, and if it is real, the science section (astronomy & space especially) seems to be the place for this question.

  2. It's not real.  I would think that the obvious fact that planet does not exist - lack of observational evidence of any sort - would be all the information you need.

  3. can you people stop!

    if your interested go read about it

  4. Niburu explained

    other cool sites

    a video

  5. first off,'s not a planet it's a plutoid, and YES it does exist, there is also and eris. WOW, check yahoo news science tag.

  6. There may be a tenth planet out there, beyond the orbit of Pluto.  There is not a Planet X (Nibiru) as has been described in the last 5 years or so.  The theory (fact to some) was that it was going to pass through this part of the solar system and cause widespread cataclysmic damage to the Earth (always it is the Earth) in May of 2003.  Obviously that didn't happen, simply because Nibiru doesn't exist.

  7. Not a real planet so an info you find on it is wrong.

  8. wow a lot of people have no idea what they are talking about. there are major celestial bodies, some larger than pluto, lying beyond pluto's orbit. niburu isn't real in the sense of blocking earth's sunlight, but another planet could exist. eris, qouaor, sedna, and pluto are all considered "plutoids". since niburu hasn't been discovered, it isn't classified as anything. if there was another planet in our solar system, it woud probably be roughly the same size as the other plutoids in the kupiter belt.

    and one thing i would like to clear up. its not "the planet x" its "a planet x". throughout history, the term "planet x" has been used as regard to a theorized, yet undescovered, planet in the solar system. neptune was once considered "planet x" as well as pluto, sedna, eris, and qouar. all of these planets except neptune have been classified as "plutoids".

    no references or information on niburu that is even remotely true. we don't know if it exists, but we do know it won't do anything catostrophic to earth.

  9. Aera, you can't prove a negative of anything. If you don't believe me, prove to me that a giant chocolate elf does not live at the centre of our galaxy.

    This is the science section. If you wanted to ask a question about science fiction, there are other more appropriate sections in which to ask this question. Nibiru is simply a load of twaddle and has no business being discussed in a science forum.

  10. Go to the NASA website and enter nubiru in the search panel. You will find no information. That sums it up nicely.

  11. heres all the information you need:

    it doesnt exist
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