
Information on a Haunted house in the Garden District of New Orleans...?

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Hi, I need a bit of help here.


My girlfriend's dreams are disturbing... and because her dreams are disturbing, mine are becoming disturbing... but thats for another post. Neither of us have been to this house nor know the name of this house or even where it is exactly -- but there is a Plantation in the Garden District, site of a big "Turn of the Century," gathering in the late 1790's early 1800's.. not sure when.

Anyways-- in this home found in the attic (which seems to be a study of sorts) Is a chest... filled with bone voodoo dolls. Real bone voodoo dolls from real people, so lifelike they are disturbing. The deeper down you go into the trunk, the more decayed the bone remains become. Also found in that room are journals of a cannibal who felt it absolutely necessary to eat the flesh of his victims, preferably right off the face.

Are there any stories of ANYTHING like this pertaining to the Garden District in New Orleans? Maybe its all a bad dream..




  1. Maybe you guys read the book "the withching hour" by anne rice...because what you described is the EXACT plot of her bestselling novel!

    From the name Julian, to the necklace, to the party, to the location of the house, to the castle, to everything else you said.

    Nice try!  You arent having disturbing dreams... you read the book!  Which is awesome!

  2. Way too bizzaare for me

  3. Did you just watch the move the skeleton key?   Sounds familiar to that movie?

  4. Sounds like you & your gf have been reading too many Anne Rice novels.

  5. Your girlfriend may have a connection to someone or something from this house's past.  It should be fairly easy to gain information on the houses matching that one's description from the internet.  New Orleans also has people who give "haunted " history tours.  These people are full of wonderful history tidbits and may be of help to your research.

    Good luck!!

    Amy J.

  6. New Orleans has a lot of haunted properties.   I had a cousin that had purchased a home.  Her children started having the same visions of a dead man covered in blood crawling on the floor.  Then strange things started happening.  She talked to neighbors and then learned that a man was brutually murdered in the room where her children were now sleeping.  She was somehow able to sell the house back to the bank  for not telling the truth  about haveing  termite treatments.  The house was infested with termites.   So luckily, she was able to get out of the house without losing her money  Once she vacated the house, the bank had the house destroyed - leveled to the ground.

    I have heard many stories.  Infact, I amthinking of a house that your freind is decribing.  She should invetif\gate her dream.  Someone or something is calling her to this house.

  7. Do not eat roask pork right before going to bed, you'll sleep better.

    And if she wants to not have those nighmares again, she should stop actively thinking about them.  Dreams is a process linked with memory, so the more you think about something, the more likely it will be featured in the "rehash of today's events" dream activity.

    There is no such things as haunted houses, there is no such thing as spirits.

    Actually, I went and looked at your profile.  So you believe you are yourself some sort of "warewolf"?  Well, perhaps you are too deep in this kind of weirdness to be rational about anything anymore.

  8. i found only 2 that probably are ;

    A) 1020 St. Ann Street, is haunted by the former owner of the home, the famous voodoo priestess Marie Laveau, who has been known to manifest.

    B) 1140 Royal Street is the former home of notorious murderess Delphine LaLaurie, who inflicted unthinkable acts of torment upon her slaves in the attic. The ghosts of the tormented slaves have been known to manifest, and horrible screams are heard inside the house.


  10. Check out this site---Shadowlands Haunted Places.  It lists all of the haunted places in the US, and gives a little detail on them.

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