
Information on capricorn star sign?

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Information on capricorn star sign?




  1. Think "goat."

  2. There a lot of info here:

  3. Honey !  Just type Capricorn in to any search engine and there are millions of details :)  so simple.

  4. The Capricorn woman and her undeniable charm.

    To correctly identify a Capricorn woman, you must first understand , it would be an impossible task. Capricorn women are very comfortable wearing their horn-rim glasses and looking over the financial paper as well as wearing the highest stiletto heels and dancing at the latest night club, qualities that are impossible to predict. Be assured though, Capricorn women can be extremely feminine or as cold as ice, it really all depends on how well persuasive charm an be used to win her affections

    Security is very important to the Capricorn woman and her career may ultimately take priority. A main goal of this captivating beauty is to ensure her place in society. After all, recognition is very valuable to her state of content and priority must be made to ensure her state of grandeur. Ambition, though, will take a quick back seat if it means helping her true love achieve wealth and fame.

    The lovely Capricorn woman is above all graceful and understands the importance of good manners. You might even think she is descended from royalty. A superior goddess is how she presents herself at all times, after all, you never know who she may run in to.

    Most often the Capricorn woman is of exceptional beauty. The surprise that comes though is that insecurity may plague her. She very much desires constant sweet flattery to keep her emotions in check, the outcome will be that anyone lucky enough to have her on their arm, will definitely be more than willing to oblige.

    Also if you go to you can get a free chart done. has tons of info and you can post your chart for people to read and analyze.  

    Good luck!

  5. Hi HoneyBunny, hey girl Cappy is s**y, ancestor oriented, business minded, ambitious and very physical (that is sexual, to adults). Not knowing your age, this is as far as I will go with that. They have a wry sense of humor that pops up when least expected.  

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