I need some good websites that are informative and perhaps slighlty opinionated. They CANNOT be .com websites. This if for a research paper so only:
are accepted. They will be cited in the bibliography so it will be known which site the information was attained from. I have searched Google and tried a variety of search engines for educaitonal purposes but perhaps I wasn't searching correctly. Any info will be greatlty appreciated. Thank You!!!!
Also, I have to have an interview of someone's opinion on ghosts. I would prefer to interview someone who has had experience with the paranormal, someone who is knowledgable of the paranormal, or someone who DOES BELIEVE in ghosts. It will be an e-mail interview so anyone who wished to participate may notify me by e-mail. My web address is on my profile and please be sure to enter age and a brief summary of your experience. Again, thank you!