
Information on mating rats?

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Within the next year or two we are thinking about mating our rat. Shes too young right now plus we want to have everything perfect and have as much knowledge as possible.

Whats there to know about/have for mating rats?





  2. I wouldnt wait a year or two considering rats have a lifespan of 2 years (its supposed to be 2-4 years but there are so many badly bred rats out there that have major health problems earlier on I have only had one of my 7 or so rats even make it to 2)

    If you are going to breed your female rat she is in brime breeing condition between 6 months and 8 months of age. It is recommended that you dont mate her if she hasn't had a litter before she is 8 months old as they can have probelms reproducing later in life.

    What are you planning on doing with the babies? You always have to account for these things before you breed an animal. If you are only breeding her to supply a pet store you should rethink your choice to bred her.

    People should never breed animals for the money- if you are caring for your pets properly you will be spending so much money on kitty litter, food, and bedding for your baby rats that if you do get any money from the pet store- the chances are it wont cover the costs of actually raising the rats. I also worry about what happens to the babies that are sold- how many actually make it to good homes?

    Did you know that approximately 70% of undesexed female rats will develop cancer? (thats what killed all of my rats before they could reach their second birthday) but if you get your rattie desexed the chances of her developing these cancers is reduced dramatically- it drops to about 10-20%.

    Just some things to consider before breeding.

  3. Where did you get her? You should not mate rats unless you know their geneology. Pet store rats should never be bred, because you don't know their genes and they're often inbred.

    I also think you've got a lot to learn about rats in general before breeding is a possibility, considering a 2 year old rat would be too old to mate. If you want more babies, you should rescue some. There are plenty of rats out there needing homes. I know babies are cute, but it's not a good idea to do this. When you breed a rat without knowing their genes, you run a great risk of having babies with inherited diseases, poor temperament, risk of tumors, etc. You need to have a knowledge of genetics before you even consider breeding.

    There is also the possibility of birth complications and the risk of death for your pet or the babies. You'll need a lot of money saved for the vet if you plan to breed, because it's possible that something could go wrong.

    I don't mean to sound harsh, that's not my intent at all. I totally understand why people want to breed, but it's just not a good idea.

    Please read these before you breed.

  4. i wouldnt do it. please dont do it. there are already too many homeless rats out there, and there doesnt need to be more. if you want more rats, go to a shelter and adopt some. rat births are tricky, and your beloved rat could die. dont take the risk

  5. This is a really good source:

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