
Information on orphaned baby robin?

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Hi, I found an orphaned baby robin on my porch, and I could not find the nest, so I brought it inside my house. I've been looking on the internet for hours on information about birds, and what to feed orphaned birds, etc. I have been feeing it mashed blueberries, unsweetened apple sauce mixed with warm water, and have been giving it drinks of lukewarm water (by dipping my finger into a dish of water and dabbing it on the tip of it's beak.. it laps it off of its beak). I am intending to call a wildlife rehabilitation center first thing tomorrow as to find out what I should continue to do with it. I was wondering if there was some way I could figure out how old it is? This would help a ton.

Thank you!




  1. I know it sounds gross but get some nightcrawlers from a fishing supply store, or even some convenient stores sell them. Take them and clean them off and throw them in a blender. Yes, I said it's gross! LOL But that will give them the protein it needs. How often you need to feed it depends on how big it is. But you can spoon feed the baby for a while. You can throw a little bit of water in the mixture too. Make sure to call the wildlife rehab people. They will probably come pick it up and care for it. Trust me, letting them care for it would be a lot easier than trying to do it yourself. They are experienced and know what they are doing. But in the meantime do what I suggested until you call them. Good luck!

  2. This bird may not be orphaned at all. If the bird is fully feathered, it is most likely a fledgling and has left the nest on it's own and it's parents are caring for it. It is normal for birds to leave the nest before they can fly. You need to replace it where you found it..preferably in a scrub or tree so it is relatively safe from predators, and the parents should come back to feed it. If it is unfeathered...then look for a nest and if you can find it...replace it into the nest. Do not worry about your scent being on the chick..birds have a very poorly developed sense of smell and will NOT reject a baby that has been touched. If you cannot find a nest, get the bird to a local wildlife rehab for it's best chance of survival. Also, keep in mind, it is illegal for you to try and raise this bird on your own. Look for a rehab here:

  3. Does he have feathers? If not needs to be fed every 20/30 mins from dawn to dusk. If he is fully feathered then he is a fledgling and will not be in nest anymore and the parents will continue to  take care of him even if you have touched him. See baby birds that are featherd and can hoop abut but not fly live on the ground for a number of days until they can fly. The mother recognizes her babies calls and the baby hers. i would put him back where you found him and watch from a hidden place to see if she comes to feed if she does leave him alone. If she does not off to rehabber. Also if he is not feathered than he needs warmth from a makeshift nest that is put into a box with a heating pad under it. Do not give any water as he can aspirate it. gets his fluids from food. Unless he has most of his feathers than can give shallow bottle cap of water in cage. It is illeagal to keep these birds without a license and he will most likely die if not back with parents or take to rehab center. then your heart will break like mine has many times. You can also get mealworms at pets store and cut up to feed him along with cut up ground worms and there is bird hand feeding formula in petstore to give as well.

  4. if it has feathers, it is a fledgling and the parents take care of the babies on the ground.  please return the baby in the same area that you found it.  stand back far enough so you can see if the parents have come back but that they cannot see you.  if they have not come back in a few hours,  please contact a wildlife rehabilitator in your area.  stop feeding it.  you are going to kill it.

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