
Information on the yahoo questions and answers site?

by  |  earlier

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As I am a regular user of this site how come its quite slow to scroll down.

Sometimes it can be very slow changing from one page to another page.




  1. It must be a problem with your computer or internet connection/provider. I've never had that problem.

  2. As you say in your question 'sometimes' I can only imagine that at certain times Yahoo answers is particularly busy, or they are having technical issues with the web site.

    I have noticed the same thing, and other sites are as quick as normal at those times, so it can't be my computer or its speed.

  3. as it does that for my own computer I'm guessing it's either a problem of the computers or its so that we never miss the best answers so we can read it while scrolling down. The people that dont hav a problem have to put up with the problem with it being too fast.

  4. i had the same problem before some days,it mainly happens for defective ,corrupted browser's .dll ,cache,resistry,defective resistry,defective or slow connection of internet,inconsistency of connection

    it's from my experience,i have to install a new system from a different CD-ROM with different IE installation files in a seperate partition of hard disk and now everything is running smoothly!!! Totally different!!!

    If you want a fast browser then please install a new system of windows xp or vista without from another good CD-ROM,don install too much program in it but an anti-virus suite of course,

    and use it for internet usage.You must install the Yahoo! suites,or other Messengers or only internet relating programs and tools.As this system has less program it will run faster i believe.Use this system only for internet works like chatting, mailing or participating in this forum etc.

  5. I think it probably just depends on how many people are using it at the time - and slowing the system down.  It is usually slower on Sunday afternoon as this is probably when it has it highest demand!

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