
Information on train loading needed?

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As far as I know different railways of different countries have their own standards and regulation for loading the trains, (l mean freight loading). For example the US freight loading regulations for hazardous materials could be different from those of Australia.

Now, could you tell me where can find these different regulations and standards ? any website PDF document or book please?

Thanks for the help




  1. Don't know if this is exactly what you're looking for but it might help:

  2. Here's a link to UPRR's rule book. It's a PDF.

  3. We are issued all the information we are required to have by our carrier but the DOT regulations for hazardous material is public knowledge.

    Fire and emergency response departments also have copies of this book available.

    I would start by going to the Federal Railroad Agency (FRA) site and see if their hazmat guide is avaliable there.

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