
Information please???? I want to homeschool.....?

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I am wanting to homeschool my daughter just for the remainder of the year as she is bipolar and has social anxiety. This is under recomendation of her doctors as she has only attended 20 full days of school so far this year. We do not want her held back so I am trying to find out how to do this I am going blind into this we live in Missouri and she is in the 8th grade.




  1. I'm not certain about education laws in Missouri, but if it's for medical reasons, the school may be obligated to send her a tutor and curriculum. Look into that first because the school will be more likely to accept her back at the proper age level next year if they were still the ones who provided instruction.

  2. It depends on where you live as to what is available to you , is some more information that may help you

  3. Ok, it wont be as hard as it seems. I would say homeschooling is an option and just help her through it. Take advantage of people coming over and show her is all ok. After suffering from anxiety my self, my advice is just take her slowly because it will be hard for her. When she does need to go back to school, she if she can go to another one, because she might have a hard time going back to the current one.

  4. Think about what subjects interest your daughter and then go from there. Check out these two sites as their materials are popular and also very good. It really depends on your daughter's learning style. Remember to make it fun and enjoyable for her.

  5. You could look into using the University of Missouri-Columbia's online school (elementary, middle, & high school courses).

  6. I have homeschooled in Mo.  You will need to keep track of the hours you homeschool her. But things like watching educational tv and trips to the zoo count as school hours.

    Do lots of research. You will do fine.  There are lots of good websites and support groups. Type homeschooling in Missouri in a search engine.

    Don't stress out if she seems to get a slow start. Some kids need to destress after coming out of a stressful school experience. Make learning fun. Find out what she is intersted in and go from there.  One website that is a big help for me is Ther are alot of free worksheets on the site, but for like $20 a year you have access to the whole site and can create worksheets on her grade level. It even has theme units ect.

    Good Luck, have faith in yourself. It is scarry at first, but it will soon become a way of life.

  7. Try these links:

  8. Hello!

    Try not to worry, it won't be as hard as you think!  First, there are two angles to approach here.  One thing to consider is getting her found "disabled".  I only say this because I know of someone who's child has a learning disability - and he collects a disability check each month.  He honestly is improving, but they took that step to protect him financially in the future.  The added bonus- the school bends over backwards to work with the family.

    Second, I should mention that I have been homeschooling my boys (6th and 8th grade) for almost 4yrs now.  They are truly nicer now and less stressed.  I personally love it!

    There are many different curriculums and it can drive one insane trying to figure it out!  Trust me, until the more advanced years of high school, Unit studies are the way to go!  She may enjoy the Prairie Primer.  I think she may have just outgrown their recommended ages, but it can be scaled up. It covers all of the subjects, except math, using the "Little House Books". Really great!  They tell you what to read each day and have a variety of different activities (10-15)relating to what you read to cover your subjects.  Bad Day??? Just don't do as many activities that day. Good Day?  Do more! There is also one based on the Narnia Books.  You can check them out at  This year we are using one from Capers curriculum utilizing 2 Jules Verne novels. I like it because it is also a workbook and it covers a LOT of Geography, but it doesn't cover as many subjects as the first two I mentioned.  Want super cool American history?  Check out  MATH-- I have liked several, but I LOVE one!  Take a look at !  Don't fret too much on their price, as they have excellent resale value, and some can be purchased used.  Really, do the demos- and yes that is how this math truly is!

    **Help on where to start looking!  Go to and click on your state abbr. to the right.  You will absolutely be able to find someone in your state to help guide you.  I have given my opinion on a couple of curriculums, but when you make up your mind, also check that website for good deals on books.  Others to mention: (green highlight to left-go halfway down- click homeschooling) message board- then last catagory buy/swap)

    Have A Blessed Day and Please feel free to contact me (if the system lets you) If I can be of any help.


  9. Go to your search engine and type in" Home schooling in Missouri" and it will bring up available schooling programs in your state. Most will have Web sites you can click onto and read and watch how each one works and what you need to do to enroll your daughter. Some of the sites will even let you download the enrollment forms and print them out.

              Make sure you check out several, alot are State funded and cost you nothing, plus they will give you a computer for her to use while she's enrolled, and they will pay for your internet service. Then there is some where you will have to pay.

  10. I have a nice site for u where u get  information about All types of HomeSchooling & Free HomeSchooling.

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