
Informed Citizen, Purposeful Citizen, and Active Citizen?

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For my grade ten Civics class (I live in Canada) have to do a project about a organization (I chose Doctors Without Borders, also known as Médecins Sans Frontières). I have to explain how the three types of citizens might become involved with the organization. What is the difference between the three types of citizen: Informed Citizen, Purposeful Citizen and Active Citizen?

Please Help!

Thank you.




  1. Guest55992

    informed: citizenwho reaserches facts about something

    Active: citizen who is applying knowledge to do soemthing meaningful

    Purposeful: citizen who is aware of their role in society

    lol i hate civics




  2. Guest55816

     lol im doing the same assignment



  3.  Hey lmao I have my civics exam tomorrow and this question is in my exam 

  4. lmfaoo i think we all go to the same school....

  5. lmfaoo i think we all go to the same school....

  6. I'm doing the same d**n thing.. thought i'd share =) And by the way it sucks!

  7. To be an active, informed, and purposeful citizen, an individual must acknowledge the idea of his/her roles in a community, and reflect on their values and responsibilities.

  8. I have the same project for civics (((

  9. in the movie hotel rawanda how is paul an informed citizen?

  10. An informed citizen is someone who understands key civics issues (ex, democracy, government, rights and responsibilities).

    A Purposeful citizen understands his/her role as a citizen and reflects on his/her values and responsibilites.

    An Active citizen participates in the community, it relates to being a purposeful and informed citizen. Ways to participate include voting, volunteering, help out... etc

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Latest activity: 9 years, 1 month(s) ago.
This question has 10 answers.


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