
Informtation about politics in france?

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im looking to move there when i graduate so any information on france actually would be helpful




  1. Rillifane's explanation is a very good resume of politic situation in France... But if you want to understand more about the way french are involved into politic, I definitely invite to come on our French yahoo Q/A ... and you will have a picture of how much France is divided today about its actual President and government...

    Good luck for your move in France!

  2. France has just had elections which resulted in Nicholas Sarkozy, a center right candidate, winning the Presidency. In the subsequent elections for the Chamber of Deputies, the French equivalent of the House of Representatives, the parties of the right won a majority but not so large a majority as had initially been projected.

    Unlike the United States in which there are essentially only two political parties, there are many small parties in France which form shifting coalitions and which come and go with some frequency. Charismatic politicians will often form their own party rather than become part of an existing one.

    Politics in France admits to a wider grade of acceptable (or at least active) political thought than in he United States where both parties represent only a slight divergence from the center. In France everyone from the Communists to Neo-n***s have active political parties. In the election prior to this one the n**i candidate ran second.

    The new President is distinctly more pro-American than Chirac and more of a free market capitalist than any French president in living memory.

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