
Ingrown Toenail! Urgent.?

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I have an ingrown toenail. It isn't that bad, but it does hurt a little. I soak in Epsom salt water twice a day, use triple action antibiotic, use peroxide, and cover it in a antibiotic band-aid. My parents won't let me go to the doctor :( They say I have to "home treat it." Should I be doing more and how long till it's length is normal?

PS- My mom won't let me cut it off, put cotton on it, and definitely won't let me do to the doc!

PPS- I'm scared, will I get a serious infection? Will it keep growing into my skin!?! PLEASE Help! :'(




  1. You probably won't get a serious infection (unless something rare happens) but you won't get any better if you don't cut it.

    I had one when I was sixteen and I didn't need to go to the doctor... what I did was sat on my leg until it fell asleep and then took it out with my (sterilized) pocket knife. Of course, mine was hurting quite badly at the time so I didn't really care what my parents were going to say. (Which was nothing, by the way.)

    If you can do it without your parents noticing, then I recommend the method I used. Just make sure that you use an antibiotic ointment afterward.

    Seriously, though, just soaking it in salts and using the antibiotic/peroxide won't help.  


  3. Cut a "v" into the edge of the toenail next to the infected area.  As the nail grows, the "v" will close--pulling the ingrown part out.  You might slant the "v" slightly toward the affected area.  Of course, seeing a doctor would be better, but I've treated my ingrown toenails like this for years, and it does work.  Good luck.

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