
Ingrown toenail help?

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i have 3 ingrown toenails 2 on one of my big toes and 1 on the other ive tried digging the nail out myself, and ive taken the nail right the way down to the start of the nail on each one i have hardly any nail left but its still not healing its not hurting me anymore just looks disgusting and sometimes the tip of my toe goes numb. I'm to ashamed to go to my local doctor for advice what can i do ?




  1. Quit being ashamed, and get to the doctor before the condition gets worse. It sounds really icky, but they will numb the toes and pull the nails off, allowing them to grow back in the proper order.

    Even though you have filed them down and dug them out, there could be splits on the sides of each nail that will continue to embed into the skin.  get it taken care of, and then let your feet be healthy afterwards.

    You need your feet, don't let them go unattended any longer.

  2. eww i had the same problem im 15 on both big toes from soccer

    dont be embarrased to go to the doctor

    the first time it happened to me she like sliced my toe and it felt so good because it relieved the pressure and also gave me antibiotics thats why you need to go but for a home remedy (that ive done and succeeded in is) here it is

    soak your foot in hot water for like 5 min (preferably a foot spa bath thing)......then ( in know this is gross but it works) take a regular pen cap and shove it in between you r toenail and skin it will hurt like a b***h but do it...........then squeaze it with a kleenex the pus should then come out (or better yet have someone do it for you)............if this doesn't work go to your doctor, they are there to help you!!

    hope that helps and good luck

  3. Wash well and put neosporin on the part that is not healing and it will grow back fine. Just keep it clean. Get shoes that fit right. Put iodine on them if your wish or betadine. Mine grew back. I did go to the doctor and she just said stop it. She didn't do anything.

    The numbness could be a sign of diabetes or vitamin B 12 deficiency. Get tested if you have not. Diabetes can also cause slow healing. If you have type 2 diabetes stop messing with your toes!

  4. Wash with salty water... you want something really drastic then try wetting the cloth in a bandaid with water, put salt on it and then stick the salty bandaid to the infected area overnight. This should clear any infection up.  
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