
Injured Bird??

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There is an injured bird in my garden . It's a crow . It's hopping about out in the back garden and has been just sat there for a long period of time . It doesn't look to good . It's really getting to me as silly as it sounds its upsetting me quite a lot to see it just sat there unable to do much , injured. What can i do ?

Any help will be much appreciated

Thanks in advance :)




  1. just let it be, it will either be fine in a few hrs or get eatin by a cat at night, wither way it will be gone

  2. ill tell you....wear gloves and pick the bird up then put it in any box you have like a shoe box ..then take plate and put bird seeds in it or cooked rice (not 2 much) and some water ...then fan it maybe hes hot or if hes cold take a cloth your not using and wrap it around the crow....hope i helped what i told you and maybe your gonna make it your pet..

  3. I suggest Getting some gloves and holding it in the air, See if it just needs a boost.  If not theres not much you can do.  It will heal in 1-2 days.  If you want you can go to a local pet store and buy some bird seeds to quicken his/her recovery.  You may have a few more birds coming though..

  4. Call the People who deal with that kind of stuff. I am not sure what your country service is but australia's is the r.s.p.c.a

  5. take the bird to an animal doctor

  6. just be careful, you don't want to touch it with no gloves

  7. Look in your phone book or on the internet for a wildlife sanctuary, there's probably one around. We have one nearby and if we ever find any injured animals we phone them for advice. Usually ask you whether it's possible for you to put it into a box and take it to them or some (like the one I know) have a service where an expert comes out and gets it for you. Then they look after it, and set it free back in the wild once it's better!

    Although it doesn't sound like you'll have to this time, if it's obvious a small animal i.e. a sparrow, is dying the kindest thing to do it wrap it up in a towel and put in into the fridge/freezer, it'll become cold, go to sleep and die quickly from hyperthermia. This means less suffering. But don't try that now, because if the bird's hopping about then it's probably ok.

  8. Put it in a shoe box but dont close it.. Put some nuts in it and cloth and take it to the vet.

  9. Call the DNR, or someone to pick it up. I wouldn't touch it. It might have a disease like west nile, and you dont want to get it.
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