
Injured cat, how do i help it???

by  |  earlier

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My cat has a really bad gash on her face most likely from a cat fight outside. i really dont have the money to sent her to an animal hospital. should i put what i put on the cut?? could that harm her?? peroxide or something??? she cant really l**k it off because its on her face right under her eye, but its pretty bad.... any help people??




  1. I used peroxide on my cat when it got a major cut. put it on once in the morning and once at night but keep an eye out for infection.

  2. keep it clean and dry and watch it carefully, it is very easy to get infection from the scratch of another cat.  If it swells or stays oozy u must get antibiotics because an abscess is not a good thing to have to deal with, can make a big hole and may need stitches or worse surgery.

  3. Im so Sorry!Just try to buy something from a pet shop.I M SORRY!!!!!!!!!!I hope it gets better.

  4. You could try some neosporin.  Obviously clean the cut first with some warm water.  She might l**k her paw to remove the neosporin but I dont think it will hurt her.  Hope your cat gets better.

  5. Clean it thoroughly, but GENTLY, and fill it with Neosporin Ointment.  Be careful to NOT get any in her eye.  Don't leave the ointment smeared on her fur, just IN the gash.  Otherwise, when she "wipes" her face with her paw, she could get it in her eye.

    Do this a couple of times a day, BUT, if it starts to get infected, GET HER TO A or no money.  Her face and health is more important.

    Good luck.................

  6. Yeah, I've heard of peroxide being okay...poor baby!  Call a vet and double check though.  Ask them for some advice.

  7. Keep the cat inside, perhaps in a room alone so no other animals can come in contact. Just press the gash with a warm cloth to clean it. If you can, go to the pets store and get "liquid bandaid" it's a spray on formual to help with the infection,

  8. If its a "really bad gash" it could be a cat bite and it could require a stitch or two.  If your cat isn't up to date on all its vaccinations this other cat could be carrying any number of diseases (FIV, FLV) and your cat really needs to be looked at by a vet to ensure that a course of antibiotics by mouth aren't needed to stay off the risk of more serious infections.

    If the wound is close to your cats eye there could also be cuts or scratches to the cats pupil.  That would require eye ointment.  I would like to tell you to stay home and treat yourself, but the risks to your cats health after being attacked by an stray outside, unvaccinated cat are great.

    Keep your cat indoors from now on and save yourself money now by taking him in for treatment before the injuries do become serious (infected) and treatment is far more expensive.

  9. Many cat diseases cause the cat to need medications and other treatments to bring them back to health. A bacterial infection, a viral infection and a fungus infection more often then not requires proper veterinary check ups. Other cat health care issues are parasites, metabolic diseases and other abnormalities that could be congenital in nature. These health care issues all account for some weight loss causes.

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