
Injured hand...should I go back to hospital?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, on thursday I was really pissed off with myself so I punched myself really hard repeatedly in the top of my left hand. I know - stupid idea - I wish I hadn't done it...

When I woke up the next day it was very swollen and my knucles were covered in a purple bruise. I went to the small local hospital and they looked at it then said I probably couldn't have broken it myself and bandaged 2 of my fingers together then sent me home without an Xray. They said the swelling should go down and to put ice on it.

I've kept the ice on it for hours yesterday but when I woke up this morning it was even more swollen and I find it hard to move my fingers due to the swelling I think. I can't move them as much as I could yesterday.

I need your opinions, should I go to the main hospital in town, or just leave it a few more days?

thanks. x




  1. You know your body.

    Go get an x-ray.

    Even if it isn't broken, it's better to know than maybe have an injury go untreated and cause you havoc in your older years.





    = RICE it until you can get to the hospital.


  2. It could well be broken. Adopt Rice (Rest Ice Compression Elevation) and go to the hospital.

  3. Ya nutter!! I did something similar ages ago, and i'm a nurse! i was sooo embarassed when i went to work! The doc sent me for an xray and all i'd done was chipped my knuckle and it took ages to heal, even now, when it's cold my hand really aches. Lesson learnt, don't do it again!x

  4. Why did you do that?! There are better ways to release endorphins. I'm guessing that you learned your lesson though. YES, go get it checked out, that sounds pretty bad. What did the doctor say when you told him/her you did it to yourself? That must have been REALLY embarrassing. Sounds awful...

  5. I'm not an expert on medical issues by any means but having broken many bones in my life it would sound like you have done quie a fair amount of damage to your hand. If you honestly can not move your fingers deu to the swelling then it could very bad. In my opinion a trip to the hospital wouldn't be a bad idea.

    To be on the safe side, I would say yes, go to the hospical, have them x-ray your hand, worst possible solution, you have nohing wrong with your hand and you wasted maybe a few hours of your time but oh well.

    Best thing is that you find out your hand is completely f**ked and now you know and you dont destroy it anymore. But I wouldnt shrug it off just because the people at the hospial were lazy.

  6. Sounds like you've chipped a knuckle.  Go and see your doctor.  He'll give you something that will protect the joint and reduce the chance of arthritis developing in later life.

  7. Its best to go to the hospital to get an xray so you know exactly what has happened!

  8. Didn't you say yesterday that you hit yourself with a baseball bat???


  9. Meet an orthopedic doctor. There may be a fracture. You need to rule out whether you had a fracture. Never do that again. Good luck

  10. Go and get an x ray, hopefully it is just badly bruised but sounds like you may have broken something.

  11. yes you should go get x-rays, If it is broken you Will need to possibly see a orthopedic doc to see if any permanent damage is done.

  12. dooooctor n_-

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