
Injured young seagull?

by Guest66730  |  earlier

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I found a young seagulll today behind some shops in the town, its head was raw n full of scabs, flies were starting to get on it, the people from the shops came out and said it had been there for 6 days, I have brought it home put it n a pet carrier covered over, its very week and will let me put food in its beak but spits it back out, I have just opened some tuna to see if it will keep that down and keep putting its beak in water. I have took some trout out of the freezer to see if it will eat that. Any ideas, I could not leave it there for the rats to kill so will try to give it a chance. We have chickens,ducks n geese n pigeons, can I give it wheat or corn?? or what else will it eat? I know they generally eat anything in towns bit I'm not sure what is best for it???




  1. Look up a local wildlife rehab that would be willing to take this bird obviously needs expert care or will most likely die:

  2. I wouldn't have brought a possibly diseased bird home where I have other birds.  Be careful to keep it completely quarantined.  I've only ever seen them eat garbage so I don't know what would be best to feed it, but fish must be high on that's a seagull after all.  How about sardines?

  3. Please locate a licensed wildlife rehabilitator.  If you are in the US or Canada, they are the only people who can legally treat or possess native wild birds.

    Check this link for worldwide listings:

    In the US, rehabilitation is regulated by the Federal government and State DNR (Dept of Natural Resources), or Dept of Fish and Game. Services are free to the public, as all native wild birds are protected by federal law.

    There are several sites with listing of rehabbers, although the easiest way to find one is to search Yahoo! or Google for "wildlife rehabilitation" + your state (try both full and abbreviated). Also search on DNR or DFG + rehabilitation + your state.

    You may be able to find a contact for a nearby rehabber through your local humane society, animal shelter, or police department.

    Links are also available on these sites:

  4. Take it to an avian vet as a regualr vet is not certified to work with birds specifically or take it to a wildlife center. If you find there is nothing wrong keep it in a warm carrier or container and feed it food thats it is specialized to eat. being marine birds they feed on clams,mussels,fish,and other aquatic vertebrates and invertebrates. I strongly suggest though that you do take it too a place that is prepared for such but I have heard of places refusing to take those type sof birds because there are so many of them they have become pests much like rock doves(pigeons) here in cities.

    p.s i dont think a seagul and eat seed/grains but it can eat bread  and such.

  5. i think you should give it to avet first and see if it has any sickness. Then, ask the vet and see what it needs. If you can't afford a vet, try foods that you think it's ussually accustomed to. For example, fries,diffrent kinds of fish, or try something a little warm.
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