
Injuries-hit Jacksonville Jaguars sign new cornerback and defensive end – NFL News

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Injuries-hit Jacksonville Jaguars sign new cornerback and defensive end – NFL News
Jacksonville Jaguars, which before the last week was considered being the only team in the National Football League (NFL), the official American football league, with far less ratio of injuries and absence of players due to the
injuries, has signed a couple of new players following a series of injuries that jolted their line-up altogether
According to information available online, the Jaguars have signed Ashton Youboty for the cornerback position and George Selvie as a defensive end.
Jacksonville Jaguars have now placed their key three players including Rashean Mathis on the injured reserves list, following reporting of multiple injuries they suffered in the game against Indianapolis Colts last Sunday. The
Jaguars had won that game 17-3.
Losing Rashean was the biggest challenge for the Jaguars. Even, their coach conceded this. "It's unfortunate," coach Del Rio said. "He's a good football player. He's having a good year for us and so obviously, as we do, we move
on as a team."
"That's a huge loss," defensive end Jeremy Mincey said. "That's a veteran voice we need out there. We've got guys that have to step in and pick up where he left off, hopefully do the same thing he did."
Now, with signing of Youboty, Mathis absence is expected to be filled by him. Youboty was third round pick by Buffalo in 2006. He has played 44 games for the Buffalo Bills.
Meanwhile Selvie is a seventh round pick by the St. Louis during last year. He is being brought to replace starter Aaron Kampman. He is suffering a knee and hamstring injury.
Jaguars are into week 10 of the current regular season of NFL. They comparatively had very less ratio of injuries before the last week, when their three key players had been inflicted multiple injuries in their game against the
Indianapolis Colts.
"It's life in the NFL," Coach Jack Del Rio said Monday. "It's a tough business. It was nice to get a win. Tough for a couple guys to get news that they're going to go on IR, but as a football team we're going forward doing the
best we can."



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