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Argh! I got injured pretty good. There goes the season. It sucks!!!!

I have a broken knee, dislocated vertebrae in my neck, torn ligament in my neck, and fractured pelvic bone. This may have taken the cake for the most injured I have gotten, or maybe second place to breaking my pelvic bone in three places.

What is the worst injury you have had?




  1. ouch....that must of been a big accident...i really hope you get well soon. missing a season is definitely not fun

  2. Wow that really sucks.  Have fun in physical therapy.  I broke my tail bone once and got my knee run over, which resulted in me needing arthroscopic surgery. Sorry you have to miss a season, that bites.

  3. Holy h**l!  That must've been one heck of a wipeout.  My worst injury was a broken foot.  My body is pretty durable. :P

  4. why is this in snow boarding?

  5. to bad you didnt break ya hands

  6. Wow - I'm sorry to hear that.  My snowboard injuries have included acute tendonitis in my achilles tendon, severed tendons on my front foot (from cranking my bindings too tight) and the big one was ACL reconstruction.  That was about 10 years ago and things are going well, although I think I now have chrondomalacia patella (as I sit her with my knee wrapped/iced and elevated) and am waiting to meet with the surgeon.  Hang in there - while I know you're in a hurry to get back on the mountain, just be sure that you faithfully do your PT, and are healthy before returning.  Extra vitamin C can always help your body heal faster, too!

    Get well soon.

  7. Bad luck on that one ive never been injured that badley. The worst ive had is a broken wrist, a couple of broken fingers and just general cuts and bruises. Hope you recover as soon as pos, Good Luck.
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