
Inland revenue, tax back?

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how do i get tax back on my wages?

what form do i fill in and who is eligible?

i am a British citizen, and im 20years old working as a health support worker and want to claim my tax back




  1. What makes you think you are due a refund? If you worked for the full tax year, from 06/04/2007 to 06/04/2008, imput details onto www.listentotaxman. If you have overpaid, send form P60 to tax office with a request for a computation and repayment.

    If you did not work for the full year, I would suggest you download form P91 from www.hmrc/p91, compete it, and send with your claim. HMRC will need a complete employment history for you for the year.

  2. Have you overpaid tax? You are not very clear. It just sounds as though you want to get your tax back regardless of whether or not you have overpaid.

  3. You apply by letter to the inland revenue. You can only claim back income tax if  you have overpaid income tax. You may have to wait until the end of the financial year for any repayment that is due to you, that is April 5th 2009.

  4. You cant claim your tax back unless you have overpaid tax it will get sorted out through your salary and P60

  5. You will only get some tax back if you have overpaid it!

    If you are talking about the last tax year, you should have been sent a P60 from oyur employer. Send this to the tax office and ask them to review the year for you.

    If you mean this current tax year, just call your tax office and check that you are on the correct tax code.

    You can find your tax office using;

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