
Inmate in vacaville, ca. my son was taken to the hospital. who do we contact to find out anything?

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My son has been ill for sometime.. he became sick and asked for help. he wrote me a letter to tell me that he was not being heard.. now a week later I find out by a wife's inmate who called me to tell me he was rushed to the hospital because he had collasped and I cannot get answers from anyone? help needed by this mother... he only had 30 days to come home




  1. Call the Governors office

  2. Your son is still in custody, whether it's in the prison or at the hospital.  Being in the hospital does not grant you extended visiting hours with him or the right to contact him by phone- things you could not do in the prison setting.  You can try petitioning a judge to be allowed access to your son, but unless you son is deathly ill, this is unlikely.

  3. Call the news papers and TV stations. Its a shame how these prisons treat people once they get you inside the public don't have a clue as to what really gos on in prison.

  4. Call the hospital.

    Or him.

  5. I'm sure that this is very hard for you to have to go through with not being able to know what is going on with him.

    I can tell you how it was in the prison where I worked as far as medical went.  Inmates there had to signs up for sick call in order to be given an appointment, to be seen by a doctor.   It works pretty much the same for them as it does for us here on the out side.  They are given a date and time when they will be seen by the doctor.  

    If in the mean time while they are waiting for that appointment their condiction gets worse, they would be taken to the hospital for treatment if it is needed.   Again its pretty much the same for us out side as with them.   If we were waiting to go in for our doctors appointment and we were to get worse we'd be taken to the hospital the same as them.  He would have either been taken to the hospital via an ambulance or by the staff there, weather he was taken via an ambulance or by the staff would depend upon the severity of his condiction.

    What I can tell you from what I did observe when we took our inmates to the outside hospital was that they received just as good of care.  In other words the medical staff took great care of them, inmate status didn't matter to them one bit.  So that weather he was and inmate or not he is getting the best care that the medical facility can give him.  In other words he is in good hands.

    I know that even if you were to contact the prison they would not be able to tell you much of any thing if any thing at all about his condiction or even what hospital that he is in.  

    Even though he is your son he has a right to privacy as far as his medical condiction is concerned, even when it comes to telling family members.   So that most likely he will have to be the one to disclose his medical condiction to you when he is out of the hospital.  He won't be allowed to contact you until he is back at the prison.

    They will not allow him to contact any one due to security reasons.  They have to not only think about his safety but the safety of their staff as well, since attempted escapes can and do happen.  So security measures are going to be in place in order to protect both the inmate as well as their staff.

    I wish I could give you more than that to go on but that is all that can really be said about it.  You may be able to call the prison and get asurance about how he is doing, maybe via a counselor or unit manager or maybe through the Warden's office.  But you won't be allowed much more than that by them due to security reasons.

    I wish you all the best.  I hope that this helps ease some of your concerns.  I know that it won't take all of your concerns away.  The institution got him to the hospital so that he can get the treatment that he needs.   Rest a sure that the hospital will do every thing that they can for him, so that he will get better.  

    God bless you.  I'm sure that he's going to be just fine.  They did after all get him to the hospital so that he can get the treatment that he needs.

  6. You're going to have to contact the jail. Ask for his case manager. The medical department cannot give you any info, as it violates the HIPPA laws. The superintendent (warden, or Sheriff) cannot be bothered with it, trust me. Most jails will not tell you which hospital they are in as they do not want to violate the security of the hospital watch. Call his case worker or case manager. They are people who are assigned to the care (not medical care) of an inmate while incarcerated, and they are much more family oriented, as the rest of the security staff cannot give out that kind of info.

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