
Inner peace, need definition thx?

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ERm can sumone give me the definition of inner peace and the example of it. i need it for my project asap thx. (inner self)





  2. this might not help with a project, but it's not the same for everyone because inner peace comes when you find your definition

  3. Stillness and silence.  Self devoid of all content.  The transcendence of the mind/ego.

  4. inner peace is a confidence that occurs with a core realization of your true purpose

    inner peace comes from having a spiritual awakening by transcending our ego based state of consciousness

  5. Many millions of people have found it in the first verse of the Serenity Prayer.

    Now, I'm atheist, so I don't use it in the form of a prayer. But the words are so logical and address the human consciousness so succinctly, that it is hard not to have inner peace (serenity) when you understand what things you do not have the power to change--usually people, places, and things. If the places and things are of your making, then you must have "the courage to change the things" you can change. And you must learn the wisdom to know the difference.

    I can speak from experience. Since I learned those 3 concepts, I have turned my life around, and I now communicate with the very philosophers around the world that I have always had hopes of becoming one of.

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