
Innocence or Knowledge?

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Its a question that's been around for a while - and explored in many books and stuff, but I was wondering what you guys would choose?

Innocence - just like a child - you'll be able to see the wonder in the world a the way a child can - but ultimately be unaware of the wider nastier aspects of it.

Knowledge - you know whats what. Know the evils and the horrible dangers that exist - but the wonder is gone. You can no longer live your life carefree without worry.

What do you choose and why?




  1. I started out innocent but I would like to die all knowing.

  2. Innocence, It's always a wonder when your mind is still like a child. Everyday is an adventure, you never know what's going to happen next. That would then create a sort of excitement and enjoyment in your everyday life. Even though your everyday life is really boring, A child's mind can create a whole new dimension and would radically explode.

    Although my life is more on knowledge, I always try to become innocent. Although I can already sense what kind of day it is. It's always important to treat everyday as an adventure; even though you already know what's coming.

  3. The death of innocence noteworthy only when it gives birth to wisdom… innocence is a beautiful gentle state of mind. I know elders in their nineties, as wide eyed children trusting and loving all they meet, little fountains of merriment and mirth, brimming with happiness and the joys of life, oblivious and impervious to any rancor or ill will in the world. Innocence is a blessing, to be immune to all fear, hatred, and perversity in the world.  

    Knowledge is data contributing to the destruction of barriers created by ignorance and fear and hatred. Badly administered it gives partially and leaves inconclusive sense, rendering the person unable to assume innocence or hold firm faith and conviction in any fact or doctrine. Indoctrinating others with information or thought processes that prove detrimental to their spiritual and emotional growth or fail to equip scholars for the task of living is dangerous.

    What measure of intelligence does man require but sufficiency to lend understanding for mankind to contend with life’s journey, trials and paths. Being what constitutes his happiness and peace in an unreliable and constantly moving tempestuous world.

    Wide eyed innocence or worldly wise.

    The middle road is a battle ground of uncertainty.

  4. Since none of us can be considered "innocent" any more, there is only one thing to choose and that is knowledge.

    It would be a lie to claim that one would want to be innocent now..People are not destined to be or remain innocent. If there is one thing that is appealing about innocence at this point of our lives, that is the mere thought of it..The way it has been captured in our mental processes. And since innocence means spontaneity and spontaneity cannot co-exist with thinking processes, I'm inclined to believe that people are longing for a utopia....a secure innocence.

    No one can be safe on his way to knowledge- for the urge to know is a risk itself.

  5. Your premise that knowledge kills wonder is unfounded, as is your idea that wonder springs from ignorance.

    Lack of knowledge serves no useful purpose and often leads to fear.

    Would you rather return to childhood and relive your terror of imaginary closet monsters or investigate the workings of the world?

  6. How about the knowledge of our innocence.

  7. Its simple. I'm gunna sound so up myself saying this. But i get this question all the time and Innocence is what everyone i'm sure would prefer. However nothing can work like that in this world.

    I say innocence is the best. Because u WOULDNT WANT TO seek the truth becuase u dont no any better. So theres no point saying. "Oh theres so much more wonders wen u go out and find them" Yeah but if ur innocence u wouldnt want to.

    I wish i was ignorant. (I mean that in the least Arrogant way Im not saying im amazingly intelligent... Im sure u can tell by the way im phrasing this answer hhaha.) Because then i wouldnt feel i had to answer this question. And thats the truth.  

  8. I really like the first answer .

    I think true knowledge gets one a fresh sense of wonder and that might lead back to child like innnocence. If by innocence you mean naive and green then no , no one can remain innocent and be safe .

    That i think is what is tragic about this world .  

  9. i would chose the innocence of a child, but the knowlage of life.

  10. definetely knowledge, if we know to distinguish the evil and good then we act to that accordingly

    remember knowledge has no edge and one must never say wonder is gone with knowledge

  11. Well my first answer is kind of automatic: knowledge. however when i thing about it knowledge can bring you to think of many bad things that happen that can hurt you.

    personal example: i discovered that my dad was cheating on my mom. of course i wanted to know if it was true or not, however now that i know i am suffering from the knowledge.

    so, i think that everyone would like knowledge, however innocence is so much simpler and less painful!

  12. Innocence or knowledge are both great. Most people choose to experience and gain knowledge in spite of the hard work.  Just don't choose to live the life of total blissful innocence only to come back to me later pretending to be all wise and mystical like you actually know something now! You've chosen innocence and ignorance.  If you want wisdom, you must start at the bottom, all over again like we all do.

  13. Innocence is bliss but I would still choose knowledge. Why? Because in innocence, sure you live happily because you don't know the "dark" side but that's it. You can still get your happiness even though there are a lot of things that hinders you from achieving it. In knowledge, however, you get to prove that you are something - that you're a great person because you fight the dangers, the worries, everything. Just knowing that you can fight any storm is happiness itself. It's just a matter of perspective. It makes you the best person you can ever be. Unlike in innocence, you're stuck in being a child. You'll grow tired of it eventually.  

  14. Knowledge - because it is forever.  Innocence has a very short life.

  15. Knowledge.  You know the evils and dangers, but you also have the ability to try and make things better.  Knowledge allows you to understand the bad things and try to fix them.

  16. innocence, because we are like a child, and being a child is asking questions without fear or embarrassment, which then metamorphoses into knowledge.  

  17. I choose Knowledge, b/c knowledge can take you a long ways. I feel that just being innocence could cause you to worry more b/c people are more likely to take advantage of that. Knowledge make you wiser and know which direction to go to avoid alot of dangers.

  18. Knowledge. It will keep you safer and there is less chance of you getting hurt by something, be it physically, mentally or emotionally.

  19. Innocence.

    I think that a lot of knowledge, only a minority however, would make our lives unbearable. For instance, imagine if you knew the exact day you were going to die? Or that your brother was going to die in a tragic car crash? Perhaps if you knew that someone who you thought was your best friend actually hates you?

    In a similar vein, I have friends who used to study English, Drama, or Media at university (college) and, now they have such a clinical knowledge of those areas, they can no longer simply appreciate a good novel, play or movie. I'd hate it were that me.

    I think a life without such knowledge is better. This is not to say that I think we should live life avoiding all knowledge since that is ignorent and, ultimately, dangerous. Just that too much knowledge can often lead to unhappiness.

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