
Innocent boy about to receive life sentence!! HELP!!??

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My boyfriend's 21 year old brother was arrested for a rape on a two year old girl. The girl is his girlfriend of two and a half years daughter. The grandparents of the girl HATES HATES him and I'm certain they caused all of this. After five days in their care the little girl susposedly started saying she hurt down there and when questioned about it said it was him. The grandparents have all the right authorities on their side, the the grandmother is malicious enough to might have gone to the extreme to get the girl in her care, even if it meant setting this poor guy up for life. My boyfriend's family have no money to help him out. He gave them everything they wanted, DNA, information, everything. His girlfriend lied about him watching her a weekend before but he didn't. They are telling him that even if the DNA comes back negative, (which it will) they still have enough evidence to take it to trial. Why would they listen to a two year old girl, who lives with him, of course she knows his name, and was probably brainwashed? The grandparents have two p*****n boys who live with them. How come they didn't check into them? Or the threats the grandmother made to the girl's mother if she didn't let the little girl stay with her for a few days? What can be done to help him? We're just 20 years old, our jobs aren't good enough to pay for any lawyer, most won't even take the case. It's a small town, and they are absolutely positive they have the right guy because of the grandparents' reputation and status. We can't do anything but pray and have faith that God is looking out for him. If you have any ideas, please let me know. Thanks for taking your time to read this. I realize now it's pretty long.

I'm not sure if it matters, but we're in the state of Florida. Thanks.

(Posted in different categories, sorry!)




  1. you have the right to a free lawyer,

    but consider this.. maybe he did do it.

    just consider it, you never know.

    You might think you know a person but you don't,

    but nevertheless.. you have the right to a lawyer so you'll get one

    just try to research previous cases like this and see if you'll find anything

    hope it helps

  2. Legal Aid, you should be entitled to a free lawyer.

  3. They have to prove he did this. Beyond a reasonable doubt. Make them do it.

    If they do so, maybe you should rethink your relationship.

  4. For this horrendous crime to have taken place, medical tests on the 2 year old would have to prove that. If the DNA test comes back negative, then he will have to be freed on bail while a further investigation is done. Molestation is another story and if proven true, would not bring a life sentence. Perhaps the p*****n boys need to be questioned. I am sure if you look around, you will find a lawyer to defend this case at no charge.

  5. Really? Then he have plenty of company in prison. There's LOTS of "innocent boys" in there.

  6. well i doubt child molestation is grounds for a life sentence.  But dont worry about paying the lawyers because if you cannot afford one then you will be assigned one. Remember the point of court is that you are innocent until proven guilty not vice versa. So the state will not allow you to go down without a trial specially something this serious. They may have enough evidence to take him to trial but nowadays confessions are not taken as seriously. But please when you get to court dont act out or your credibility will be ruined. Your best bet is to find alibis about the watching the girl for a weekend thing. Such as receipts, and witnesses. Good luck

  7. Get a public defender and also file an immediate lawsuit against the accuser(s) for making false statements and bogus accusations, defamation of character.  Insist they all take polygraph exams.  Was he ever completely alone with the child?   If so, WHY?  He shouldn't have been.  It's a shame, but --- that's life in our society now.  No adult can ever be in the same room with a child unless they are videotaping the innocent event.  

  8. He needs to stop talking to them, and get a lawyer. Legal Aid if he doesn't have $$.  

    Florida is no place to play with this.

  9. He will be able to get an attorney if he can not afford one the court WILL provide one for him.  I don't know any case of child molestation where a person received a life sentence with only that charge.  

    Hope for the best...........but prepare for the worst, there are more stories here than just his and his version of the truth.................

  10. I agree with the legal aid thing... call them asap.. However, in most states, if a CHILD (especially one as young as 2 and 1/2) says that a certain person "hurt them",  the child is very much believed regardless of proof...  Was a rape kit done on the child?  they might be able to say he MOLESTED but without proof of rape, they cannot claim it was rape and the rape kit would prove either she was or wasn't raped by someone...   unfortunately sometimes innocent people ARE sent to prison, but it rarely happens....  is there ANYTHING in your boyfriend's brothers record that might lead anyone to believe he did this?  Like any previous criminal activity or arrests?   The State will have very good experts who will examine the little girl and her testimony to make sure her statements about  her boyfriend's brother are IRON CLAD so it is imperative that you call legal aid Tuesday when their offices open.

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