
Innovation cycle of the Black Box Flight Recorder ???? Will give pionts to best answer?

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What is the Innovation Ccyle of the Black Box Flight Recorder .

I cannot find anything on the net and honestly , when i think about it , i can't think of a cycle . All it does is sit in the plan until it crashes .




  1. Can you explain what an innovation cycle is?  You must have heard this term somewhere, and we need a bit more information to be able to answer your question.  Is this a test question?  What context did it come out of?

  2. I don't know if I can help you with an innovation 'cycle', but I might be able to shed some light on your subject.

    In the early days of avation, there wasn't technology available to record what an aircraft was doing prior to an accident, so the engineers were left scratching their collective heads wondering what caused the problem.

    As technology and aircraft progressed, they began installing flight data recorders that recorded a certain number of parameters during a flight on a looped 30 minute tape. In other words, the recording holds only the last 30 minutes of data no matter how long the flight was before the event. They also required cockpit voice recorders to be installed for the same reasons. It too, only records the last 30 minutes of audio regardless of the flight's length.

    Then,as technology progressed, the number of parameters increased. This was also driven by the accident investigators wanting to collect more data to more accurately pinpoint the cause of an event. FAR 121.344 governs this for transport category aircraft. If you take a quick read through of it, it will tell you in what year they increased the number of parameters required to be recorded.

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