
Inproving memory???? emergency!! plz read fo more!!!

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people.. even if i prepare really hard for any exams?? i end up forgetting tactics and formulae?! i feel that my memory power is going down!! can u please help me about that?? ant medicine or natural ways to improve concentration during study and improve memory!!!!!! so that things stay in mind really good.. i need to get interest in what i do!!




  1. Have you thought of trying subliminal messaging?

    Check out this:

  2. I think your last sentence has a clue: You need to get interested. That makes SUCH a difference! Because it's not just about memorizing, it requires thinking about what you're learning, understanding it - you need to care about it.

    Some other things:

    1. Don't wait until it's almost exam time and then cram. Study every day, and review every week.

    2. Fish is called "brain food" for a reason. Eat a piece of baked or broiled fish 12-24 hours before the exam (dinner the night before, if it's a morning exam; lunch the day of an afternoon exam).

    3. Get enough sleep the night before.

    4. Do a short meditation to calm your mind before taking the exam.

    If you want to try an herbal remedy, ginkgo biloba is supposed to improve concentration. But when I tried it, all it did was give me insomnia. If you're going to try it, start a few weeks before an exam.  

  3. ok i have some tips for you:

    1. avoid staring blankly. A friend or two told me that these can kill your brain cells.

    2. if there is a big exam, don't study very hard the day before. a friend of mine told me that it is already considered as cramming. these can confuse you during the exam. just try to relax. you can scan but don't study very hard.

    3. read a sentence or two. a teacher of mine told me that if you don't want to study, read a sentence or two before doing anything. but i'm not sure if is effective to you.

    4. avoid killing your brain cells. you can do these by avoiding drinking alcohol, inhaling nail polish, rubber cement, paint, sleeping very late etc.

    5. play any puzzles. if you like puzzles then play. some people say these can help your memory.

    6. drink vitamins that can help your memory.

    there are many more ways but i hope these can help

  4. Sounds funny but,..... Blueberries. Only if you like them and can handle them.

    Check this site:


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